Golf Carimate
A Golf Club with a grand tradition

A Golf Club with a grand tradition

Traveling from the past to the present day through 50 years of history, the club has been able to reignite ideas, individuality and motivation which has led to the creation of a group of members who are united and capable through the passing of time to meet its objectives.

The History

A Tradition Born in 1962

Golf Club Carimate had its start in 1962, created together with a residential area of villas which, ahead of its time, took into consideration the natural contours of the land and created the idea of living on a golf course amidst greenery.
Today, residential development builders use Carimate as an example of how to prioritize a development by respecting the natural environment. This incredibly beautiful complex is situated in the first foothills of Brianza, halfway between Como and Milan. Its history began in 1955, the year in which Baroness Arnaboldi Cazzaniga, of an old noble family who settled in the area in the 1700s, decided to sell the castle and adjacent park to the Società Generali Immobiliare of Rome. The vast area of the park was perfect for the realizzation of an ambitious project, which used the castle as a central focal point. A residential area comprised of villas (circa 400, none of which is higher than the surrounding vegetation) were constructed and on the remaining 60 hectares a golf course was built.

The Design

In a period in which the idea of golf was strictly an Anglo-Saxon passion, Golf Club Carimate was born and created by Italian style and design which at that time was just taking off in the world. Piero Mancinelli was called in to design the golf course and Guido Veneziani and Vico Magistretti were chosen to draw up the plans for the club house.

Mancinelli, a Roman engineer who played golf, with adroitness and finesse was able to cut out of the land, using to advantage the elevation changes and taking into consideration the plans for the homes which were to be built in phases, a unique golf course which has withstood the test of time.

Magistretti and Veneziani designed a clubhouse which has nothing to do with English cottages or the English countryside: instead they created a white structure that follows the contours of the land, with wide windows that capture the views and the grand trees of the park. And it was, in fact, Magistretti, with his dedication to fine details who designed the famous Carimate chair produced by Cassina which became a classic for Italian design. The chairs, which are still in use, were specifically designed for the restaurant which opens onto what was the 1st hole.

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